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Marion Wilson Jr. was executed in June 2019 by the state of Georgia.

It was the 1500th execution in the United States since reinstating the Death Penalty in 1976.

His daughter speaks before his execution.

In 2015 Kelly Gissendaner was excecuted by the state of Georgia.

Although she was guilty of orchestrating the murder of her husband in 1997,

her children didn't want her to be executed. Their father wouldn't have wanted it, they said.

Trailer zum Dokumentarfilm "Glass Between Us" von Regisseur Manuel Schmitt

über Gerald Marshall (Todestrakt Texas) und dessen Verhältnis zu seinem Sohn und zu seiner Schwester.

(Weitere Infos zum Film hier!)

The son of convicted murderer Billie Wayne Coble was arrested at his father's execution.

Police said Coble's son freaked out after his father passed from lethal injection.

Coble (70) was executed in 2019 by the state of Texas.

Filmclip und Trailer zum US-Spielfilm MY DAYS OF MERCY, der in Deutschland ab Juli 2019 in die Kinos kam.

Liebesgeschichte zweier Frauen, die sich bei Protestaktionen während Hinrichtungen kennen lernen -

Mercy befürwortet die Todesstrafe, Lucy ist dagegen - ihr Vater sitzt im Todestrakt wegen Mordes an ihrer Mutter.

(Trailer in English / Informationen zum Film / Streaming of OV)