Nigeria (Afrika)

2.285 zum Tode Verurteilte befanden sich Amnesty International zufolge im Jahr 2017 in nigerianischen Todestrakten und dies unter grausamsten Bedingungen.


Die Gefängnisse und Haftbedingungen in nigerianischen Todestrakten gleichen mittel-alterlichen Kerkern und erinnern an die Zeiten der Sklaverei: Bis zu zehn Insassen teilen sich fensterlose Zellen, die nicht größer als 2 x 3 Meter sind und weder Betten noch Toiletten haben.

Arthur Judah Angel


After spending more than 16 years in prison and nine years of them on Death Row, Nigerian born Arthur J. Angel became a professional artist and active Human Rights activist.


More about Arthur J. Angel:


Arthur Judah Angel is also invited as a witness for the 7th World Congress against the Death Penalty where he will exhibit his works as well. More information here.

Execution Cells

by Arthur Judah Angel


von Arthur Judah Angel

Slavery Days are gone

by Arthur Judah Angel


Slavery Days are gone

Slavery Days are here


Man who’s not being tried

What things does he know


The wind is rough

When no wind is no friend


Sure the storm is here raging

The tempest rumbles troubled bad


It’s night twenty four hours

Our carbine a sleeping train


Death row what a hell it was

The balcony the hangman’s highway


Good friends we met

Good friends we lost


This deadly voyage what a shame

I sat in limbo such a time.


The innocent sometimes were lost

Some guilty by chance were spared


Time and chance here happen to man

And this voyage of ours rolls on

Offloading Junk

by Arthur Judah Angel

Our Ugly World

by Arthur Judah Angel


von Arthur Judah Angel